Well over a thousand Transportation Tokens added to BobsTokens.com
I haven’t posted anything for a few months but have been hard at work. As the site states, all the new tokens I have added are in red. However, there are a few hundred more to add so I am adding them in blue. Anything in red was added before November 1. Everything in blue will be added in November and December.
Every state has tokens added and tokens with catalog over $500.00 are included. Quite a few rare tokens that catalog under $5.00 are also included and more to be added. My house is getting organized.
I am adding a lot of tokens to a new site There are probably quite a few errors. Please email me if you see errors at all so they can be fixed. mykidsplay@aol.com is the best email for me.
If I do not hear from you, have a great Holiday season.